
About us
Contact us

You can contact me in three ways. You can use this form to email me. All three fields are compulsory. When you click 'send' the page will flick to and then back to; this is normal, and is because I built my contact form using I can also be reached by telephone – +447957096656 – however I am a university student and my phone is routinely switched off. Snail mail should be directed to The Duchy of Effenhauer, Surrey, UK. If there any formatting mistakes or factual inaccuracies in my issues, you should contact me by email as it will elicit the fastest response; I will check any suggested revision against another source before changing it.

Copyright Thomas Sales, 2016; contact form copyright Any text this colour links to another, possibly external, site, while text this colour may be hovered over for more information and text this colour are links that can be hovered over.